Höflehner's Signature Treatments

Alpine Rose Butter Full Body Relaxing Massage
The handmade HöflehnerNatur Alpine Rose Butter makes dry skin soft, smooth and supple, preserves the skin's natural moisture and smells wonderful.
25 minutes | EUR 54,-

Foot reflexology massage with hay flower wrap
The effect of the soothing and organ-strengthening foot reflex zone massage is enhanced by a liver wrap with activating HöflehnerNatur hay flower oil.
45 minutes | EUR 79,-

Swiss stone pine massage
The combination of stone pine wood and stone pine oil triggers a feeling of lightness and deep relaxation. The warmth of the Swiss pine wood penetrates deep into the muscle layers and promotes the flow of energy.
50 minutes | EUR 95
75 minutes | EUR 125,-


healthy & natural
Rituals | Massages | Packs | Detox | Anti-Aging